From the Guildford Dragon: Council Critic Becomes Tory Candidate in Lovelace By-election A Guildford Greenbelt…
Background Bulletins
Face of Rural England to change forever: CPRE report: Targeting the Countryside
The Campaign for the protection of Rural England (CPRE) has just published a report titled…
Responses to Cllr Mansbridge’s press release
Jules Cranwell Reply August 18, 2014 at 4:49 pm Since Cllr Mansbridge has chosen to…
Press release on behalf of the Leader of GBC
The Leader of the Conservative Group, Cllr Stephen Mansbridge requested the following statement be sent…
Councillor charged by Police
Cllr Monika Juneja, (Con, Burpham) has been charged (August 14) with seven offences, including one…
Please Sir, may we have some exceptional circumstances? NO! You’re not privileged enough!
Letter to the Surrey Advertiser… Dear Sir, The Guildford draft Local Plan is not logical…
Ockham Lane and Plough Lane: unsuitable for HGVs and for a ‘new town’
These lanes have HGV restrictions along their entire length – with good reason: * There…
Wisley campaigners challenge Council’s rejection of legal bill
Press Release issued by WAG: QC’s opinion resulted in changes to draft Local Plan documents…
Why is our Housing Number out of step with nearby Local Authorities?
Another pertinent letter in the Guildford Dragon Letter: Why Is Our Housing Number Out of…
Will GBC set out any exceptional circumstances? Letter in Guildford Dragon
Letter: What Are The ‘Exceptional Circumstances’ That Would Justify Altering the Green Belt? From Ben…