The consultation on the Guildford Borough Council proposed Submission Plan under Regulation 19 draws to a close on Monday. Please write to [email protected] to object to the inclusion of Three Farms Meadows as an allocated site for over 2,000 homes.
Points to include:
- the evidence base is unsound, out of date and inconsistent. Particularly the SHMA, (2017 Guildford Update), the ELNA, the SHAR, the Green Belt and Countryside Study, and the Air Quality review.
- there is no comprehensive list of the evidence base making it impossible to know what the Council relies upon.
- it is littered with basic errors, including simple mathematical errors.
- the drafting is weak and unenforceable.
- there is no justification for including TFM (site A35) due to sustainability, air quality, impact on the TBHSPA, green belt, infrastructure cost.
if you would like more comprehensive guidance please email [email protected]