The Surrey Councy Council Highways Authority has submitted its initial response to the proposal to build 2,100 homes in the middle of the green belt. I’ll quote the introduction.
The proposed development has been considered by Surrey County Council (SCC) as County Highway Authority and it is recommended that the proposal is REFUSED on the grounds that it has not been demonstrated that the development is in a location which is or can be made sustainable from a transportation point of view, or that the residual traffic generated by the development can be satisfactorily accommodated on the surrounding network.
And here’s the coverage from this week’s Surrey Advertiser
It’s worth a skim of the full report. It’s clear that the traffic assessment carried out by Wisley Property Investments is riddled with dodgy assumptions, such as the idea that a high proportion of those living there will work on site, and/or home work…(rejected by SCC).